Silvia Rear End

^^^ tru. But did duke have a hardness level call “dont hurt me daddy”

^^^^ i’ll give you that. Duke only had Damn I’m Good as the top difficulty…

But were your enemies pig-cops of LAPD with the misspelling on their uniform that said LARD?

Get the fuck out of here with that DOOM shit… although i did really like it.

AND ANYBODY WHO BRINGS IN QUAKE IS A FAG (for those thinking it)
Wolfestein, don’t try it.

Oh no you didn’t

I rememberb uilding levels in duke3d… aaah and shadow warrior… my first game project did a total conversion for it…

Been waiting for duke4 since puberty or something now lmao

In duke’s voice “It’s about daaamnnn timmmmmee”

The N64 version was pretty badass with the expanded weaponery and such

And quake1 well it was kinda meh… but the thing with quake was the 3d engine really… it was breakthrough… just as doom 3 was breakthrough but now there’s a ton more better engines like cryotek’s or unreal. Whatever it’s just games relax cowboys

Quake2 QPong mod now that was fun times… I contributed to that old puppy… aah memories of wasted time…

DONT HURT ME DADDY - instant win

FUCK THAT SHIT… tis all about UT 99. I still run a server for that shit!

fuck quake…i do agree. but fuck you for saying doom shit!

unreal tournament with that map where there’s two towers and a bridge across the two floating islands… that shit was hardcore… used to play that all the time and capture the flag not just deathmatch or team deathmatch… sniper and that rifle that shoots the purple straight shot… “head shot” lol good times

i love how this became a debate about doom and quake lmao sick rear end setup

Quake 2 - Rail Gun And Grapple Hook only CTF


this guy knows whats up

ya those were fun times

Tis called “facing worlds” (map) and the order goes, headshot, double kill, multi-kill, ultra kill, mumumumonster-kill.

best game ever invented.

^Agreed Unreal Tournament FTW

oh man yeah i remember now lol… mmmmmmmoooonster kill lol we should host a server >_>