Just Wanted To Say Thanks

Hey Guys I just put on the front end, and I really wanted to say thanks to Bing, Quincy and BSC for advice and quality parts.

If you ever need something and Quincy is selling it I suggest you talk to him because the hood he helped me pick up was top of the line, perfect fitment and it looks mean as hell.

Once again thanks.

what front end?



Sorry Here are some pics guys




Looks awesome man. WHEELS WHEELS WHEELS!

LOL, thanks.

Those pics were taken the moment it came out of the shop, I have pics with everything on, but I can’t post them…if someone could post them it’d be great

Superstar car man, good work. It’s a great look, esp. in black too. :thumright:

Here are pics with everything on, Thanks goes out to spd-dmn for hosting em…




thats hot !!

…but i dont mind the front bumper but i dont think the side matches the best, and the rear doesnt go at all…

but very very good job !! love it

I like the drop as well…coilovers? or what

That looks f*ckin amazing! Good job on it. Rims look very nice.

Wow, from what I can see, the fittment is pretty good!

Nice work.


yeah that looks awesome.

awesome indeed

What’s under the hood?

the front shot looks crazy pimp. but somehow the rest of the car doesnt really looks like it “fits”. u need some aggressive side skirts and rear bumper… good job… nice fitment.

its so annoying how we need to have the front liscence plate.

damn, thats hella hot!
was it in the shop for a long time?
what are ur next plans?

Can appreciate it…but I like the S14 Kouki front better, or just the front on the Silvia like the one posted above.

Thanks for the opinions guys…ummm…The side skirts will be gone soon, and the rear bumper will be changed to, I’m just waiting on the Yashio Factory Wide Body GT rear fenders which are becoming scary. The car was in the shop for 5 days… But as it stands now…I want to concentrate on Engine Work…I will be sourcing an SR as soon as some money frees up…but will probably amass a lot of engine goodies until then…If anyone knows any good setups (ie what parts to buy for power) it would be greatly appreciated…but once again thanks

hey bud sick car man, I love the S15 front end the car should look crazy when your done. keep it up man.

looks tight

black rules