Since when...

LOL@caring what the people around you look like. I wear my hat in restaurants. Personally, I think the ‘old time’ traditions are stupid. The illusion of having class and money FTL. Really having class and money FTW.

If you don’t do anything “classy” then how can you have class? Anybody can get money and choose two different paths.

You can take your money and run around not doing anything with your life except spending money, a good analogy would be rapping like Soulja Boy.


You can take your money, make something of your life and be worth while to society, a good analogy would be rapping like TuPac. Doing something that matters.


If my ex and a friend from AZ were in a resturant together (not together), you’d probably think that my ex was the ‘classy’ one. Dressed to the max, etc. Friend in AZ would be in a ball cap and flanel shirt.

In reality, my ex’s clothes were bought all on credit, and she is a proven physco. Friend in AZ is a multi-millionare and one of the nicest people I know.

Bottom line-yeah, looking like a total dirtbag is stupid, but in general, judging people by their outerware is dumb.

Take ME for example-I ONLY shave before I go out to a bar, even if it’s weeks in between. I wear my hat into any resturant. Stains on my pants going to the store-no biggie. Although I’ve sacrificed my personal life to take care of my family. No matter what you, or anyone says, I’ve got class.

Oh, I’ve also pissed in a multitude of public places, lol. I guess what I’m getting at, is that I’ve got ‘class’ where I think it counts, and that’s all that matters.

I swear if you ever visit my house and dont remove your hat upon entering, I will sooo tell you to GTFO and not eat baked goodies that are present in the kitchen.

Agreed. I take my hat off for no one. Except in court, because the judge is always an old geezer. If you are offended by people not taking of their hat, your a geezer.

One thing I fucking hate is having to take my shoes off at somebody’s house.

Why? What if your shoes are muddy as hell. You’d rather track mud through someone else’s house, than be nice and take them off? Its called respect. Now, on the other hand, if your shoes are dry and clean, its alittle different. Different people have different rules for their homes.

Do it, unless they tell you not to.

I know people that make you take them off if theyre totally clean.

I would never make people take their shoes off at my house unless they were covered in mud or snow. Thats a little different than having to take them off for no apparent reason.

Dark brown rugs ftw. I remember having a dark brown rug at my house and it never showed dirt. The white/multicolored one we have know shows way too much and never looks clean.

I usually ask if they want me to take them off.

Haha you would HATE me PJBittles. I used to be so anal about my cars. I had a pair of shoes in the car that I would wear, ONLY in the car. So the other shoes wouldn’t get the carpets dirty. My girl would take her shoes off completely.

I have migrated away from that, but it is still necc to shake or kick your shoes to get dirt off before getting in my car. It’s automatic with my girl now. She does it without me having to remind her. Even in her car haha.

I do the same thing getting into any car. Even my Civic which has no carpet in it. :lol

I wore PJ pants to rite aid this morning.

uh oh


you were judged numerous times

Thats funny. I have this really hot girl that is my friend. She said she went to Rite Aid this morning and saw this really good looking guy that she was going to ask over later to “watch a movie”. Then she saw that he was wearing PJ’s and threw up all over her new purse.

:rofl :rofl happens to me all the time