Since when...

I never said it was hard. I said I don’t care what strangers that I’ll likely never see again think of me. If I run into someone I know, well they already know me, and know that I’m not some trashy college kid.

If you saw me in my PJs in the store and thought to your self “what a hobo”, good for you, because you, the total stranger, have no influence in my life and who I am.

Don’t get me wrong, if I’m going out to spend more than a minute and 30 seconds in a store I shower and put on something presentable.

completely agree, Benny :thumbup i’m still climb ontop of em no question!

also, i noticed this about the students in the US. a bit too loose with standards, if i may say so. i dont mean to FORCE everyone to wear uniforms even, but at least make urself presentable when in public. if ur in the dorm or whatever, thats fine, running from room to room or wahtever. but if you go to class, at least wear normal clothes. show some respect.

It’s all about respect. I was raised differently compared to much of todays generation I guess. I get so pissed even when I see someone wearing a hat in a restaurant. I have migrated my eating habits to nice establishments where I won’t get pissed off at every asshat sitting there eating with their hat on while sitting in their PJ’s.

A few naive responses in here.

Think about it like this. You are who you surround yourself with. If you are with a bunch of people who don’t care, you won’t care or even have a need to care. But you are now limited to Applebee’s and TacoBell, and shopping at Walmart. Life has a LOT more than that to offer, however the key to the door starts with respect.

And you do not gain respect from the people who matter wearing PJ’s in public or dressing like a fool. Respect gets you places in life. People also remember how you present yourself and that goes a long way. If you don’t care about that then fine, dress however you want, you are basically solidifying your place in this world. But the little things are what shows a persons core values, if they have any at all. If you have respect and pride in yourself and in your life, you wouldn’t be able to force yourself into public dressed like most of the dirtbags around here.

I agree with 99FRC about being raised differently although I’m on his ignore list. :(. :rofl

same here. if u go around the world and u see a dude sitting in a restaurant wearing a baseball cap, you KNOW he’s american. theres ppl in hospitals(albany med for example) that are in there for like a month, every day wearing their hat :facepalm

So because I’m seen in public in my PJ’s for less than 5 minutes at a time I have no self respect and self pride?

I have to disagree. I am very proud of who I have become, as is my family. I am 22, living on my own, and working a steady and high paying job. I am helping my girlfriend pay for college and helping my mom get back on her feet after a rough couple of years.

The people I surround my self with? Professionals. Shirt and tie people. Heck, I’m a shirt and tie person most of the time.

Now, I am most likely not the norm. I am sure there are many many people that are just like you describe. Just pointing out that everyone that might wear PJs out in public is not what you think.

Well here is your dilemma. If there is a negative stereotype associated with doing just that. Why would you want to be part of that stereotype when you have the respect of your family, friends and yourself? It is literally NO work to throw on a pair of pants and a shirt. You are a hard working guy based on what you said and have a good life, why take actions of those who are perceived as lazy and uneducated?

Getting where you are is a feat even though it may not seem so. You should take pride in that and in a good way, let people know that. You deserve the right to be a step ahead of the retards who don’t work as hard or are succesful as you. So why act like one?

I dont agree at all. If I want to go out in my Scooby doo PJ’s with slippers and an oversized tshirt then thats what Im going to do. I will have the decency to atleast make sure I go out in something with a secured fly so my wanker doesnt decide to pop out for a peek of the world, but besides that I really could care less what someone thinks of me. If I am going somewhere respectful then ok, I will get dressed. But if its just a quick trip to wally world or the grocery store… then fuck it. I really dont see what harm anyone who does that is causing you… is the way they dress affecting your life expectancy in any way??? Granted, im a redneck and I do most of my shopping/eating at walmart, applebees, or taco bell so maybe I have a different view on the subject. However, I do have respect where it is needed. I take off my hat at restaurants, and I mind my manners (for the most part).
That is all.

Flame suit PJ’s on

I feel that we’ll have to agree to disagree. I respect your opinion. It makes total sense. But that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I feel like being a couch potato and won’t let running to the store for milk disturb my state of comfort (you can’t argue that PJs aren’t comfy). The way I take pride in my situation is giving back to the people that helped me get there (my gf and family).

I just feel wrong if I go out in public not dressed… 3 piece suit + gangster hat everyday ftw.

dude u should fuck Strahan. just do it.

:rofl NO. She fb’ed me, I was scared fo sho.

PJs FTL, I’ll stick to wearing my cock&balls hugging jeans when in public. ONE time I went to Stewart’s in moccasins and sweatpants and felt so out of place. I couldnt bring myself down to that level of sleaziness ever again. I’d rather were super-short shorts and have my sack hang out. :lol

then you’d be like half of the old guys at the gym.

Because the majority of Americans dont have any respect, not even for themselfs. I grew up on military bases, and shit is really strict. They expect you to have respect. And with my father being in the military for over 20 years, he dosent let me wear a hat even in his house. Let alone at the dinner table. Even if we go out somewhere, wether it be McDonalds, or a highend restaurnt, I have to take my hat off. I got so used to it, that I dont even wear my hat in my own house. The minute I walk inside, I take it off. Its all how your brought up.

+1…i was always taught to be very respectful. Walk into the house and the hat comes off…ive found myself doing that in anyone’s house. just plain ol polite


ive gone out in public looking like shit plenty of times…but for me there is a line. Proper respect to parents/GF’s parents. That sort of thing. but i dont give a dead moose’s last shit what people out public think of me…just a trip to walmart who cares. Dress for where your going.

oh for sure, if I had a gf I’d take my hat off for her mom.