Since when...


yup thats where i get my discount! buddy is asst manager there.

niiiiice! you really can’t beat that stores prices. Got a 25LB bag of horse treats for like $15, win!

wtf you doin with horses???

my ex has one

This. I lived in Arizona for 4 years, and I really didnt see anyone wearing anything that resembled PJs. Most people just dont give a fuck up here. And I must say, upstate NY has the laziest, scummiest, ignorant people Ive ever seen. And Ive lived all over the country…

I think it speaks wonders about someone in they way they present themselves to the world. It is a matter of respect but the issue today is that noone cares about respect anymore. A lot of people could care less about how other view them and to me, is a big part in the de-evolution of society.

How hard is it to at LEAST put on a pair of jeans and a shirt? It takes me 5 minutes and I can promise anyone here that your life is not SO busy you can’t take 5 minutes to make yourself presentable before going out.

i find it ridiculous too, i was lucky in that in mid and highschool i wore a uniform everyday so i didnt deal with much clothing, but three years ago when college started you would walk into class and half the ppl look like the just rolled out of a welfare office. Its stupid, anyone else notice that like 80% of the time its a fat slob white trash looking person?

Put on a god damn pair of jeans that fit, ur at wal-mart already and there is jeans for like 3dollars, buy a pair. please.

And finally, i too wish it was the 50’s 60’s and early 70’s still. Ive been on a crazy gangster movie kick lately (family and gf bought me like 12 of the best gangster movies for xmas). Watching them makes me jealous to see how ppl acted and dressed back in those times. It just seemed soo much better. U go to a club u can actually dance, see a live show, and eat a decent dinner. And people had respect for the others in the club. Not get bumped into, annoyed, watch someone puke at the bar, and pay 12 dollars for a watered down Long Island.

You know what else I find ridiculous?

Guys who don’t own f’in belts and wear their jeans around their knees. WTF is wrong with you? No one wants to see your boxer joes.

One of the scorers table techs at the UAlbany game was frickin walkin back and forth in front of us tonight (I have season tickets - 3rd row) and it pissed me off. Pull that shit up. Douche.


I’ve worn sweats out to the store before. I could care less what people think of me at the store.

We should start a trend. Dress up in suits everyday! Walk around like ballers that own the place :lol

I agree, but this is nothing new.

I was watching Public Enemies last night and it takes place during the 40s, everyone was decked out no matter what.

Gangsta shit right there.

Sweats are fine. I have stopped at the store many times after working out, in my sweat pants and shirt.

But i’m talking straight up PJ’s. Like the PJ pants with little sheep or w/e on them, an oversized shirt and all the hair on your head pushed to one side because all you did was get out of bed, put your shoes on and went on a shopping spree.

But i’m talking straight up PJ’s. Like the PJ pants with little sheep or w/e on them, an oversized shirt and all the hair on your head pushed to one side because all you did was get out of bed, put your shoes on and went on a shopping spree.[/quote]

These are women you stay away from.

I love me a slobbed out hottie. You guys are drunk.

Figured you might.

I go out in PJs and slippers from time to time. I don’t see what the problem is if I wake up to find my roommate drank the last of the milk and went to the store to get more w/o changing. If I plan on laying around the house all day I’m not getting ready to go grab a few things from the store.

I could care less what strangers think about me, chances are I’m never going to see them again.

I know what you mean. Taking that 5 minutes to put on a pair of jeans and a hoody or sweater is SO hard to do when you need to go out in public.

I hate how everyone at college dresses in pj’s for class. All the girls walk in with xxxxxl sweatpants, messed up hair, and shirts with stains on them. I don’t even see how they can think that is a good look at all.