k guys im back in the U S A !

I was here since 7 am actually down in nyc, but i got back a while ago and went for some riding, took out my bros ZX14 and guys… that shit is death !! awesome bike !! wayyyyy too fast

anyways now im gonna be answering pm’s , emails, and all sorts of other perverted questions…

I may or may not be apearing tomorrow at the meeting spot, because there is a dope party i should be going to , but its not certin yet.

Tonight, i’m starting to feel a bit tired from all the running around today and the riding really wore me out, i think im gonna do some work and call it a night, have a fire by the pool maybe !

Anyways glad to be back, im really excited about the new stuff me and vlad have in store for shift in the near future as well !

and remember one thing, u guys can bitch about politics all you want… but america is still the best country in the world and coming from the experience i have gained through the past 5 months… that is 100% correct… america is the best for sure… so be greatful that you have the chance to live in such a country because its not so nice elsewhere !

take care guys, 378 3092 is my cell feel free to text or call and prank idc


its about time bro!!!

Welcome back singh!

welcome back dude

Mobile friendly site… NAOW!!!

glad to see your alive

I made a thread already you jerkoff

I made a thread already you jerkoff

post the link to it here, i had no idea… jerkoff and yea i got some jerkin off to do

oh yea and thanks everyone for the welcomes etc its really good to be back i love this foooooood

Good to have you back!

Can’t wait to hear the accent :rofl

Oh and as Cossey said, he’ll run you down if you don’t get a mobile site.

Pranking your number shortly…

welcome back, or should i say, “dirka dirka”

Oh my god! I’m about to puke from laughing so hard :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


Just download Opera Mini.

Every site becomes ‘Mobile Friendly’

Welcome back. One question i have is when you lose your password (i tried logging in from my girlfreinds comp). The question to make sure your not a bot or whatever is “Whats the letters of the word spell”. I have no idea what word this meant or what i was supposed to type. Perhaps you made this question while you were in India? Because it makes no friggin sense to me. Just something to look into. Looks like your english is getting better already:thumbup

Don’t you EVER facepalm Cossey again!!!

Just type spell bro.