yea dude im sorry guys

i got mkad fuckin sick last night and this morning and my phone didnt get pujt on the charger cuz when i got home i was too sick to get up and do anything i fell alspee with my fucking shoes ion

w/e i ate or did fucked me up REAL BAD but im feeling better now… wat bs man

phone is on now

Prolly that american water or somethin’

System might have to readjust haha

yea i know , i usually get the shits when i get to another country, i been there so long its like everything here is alien to me

but yea i feel a shit load better tho, but i still feel crappy just not like im gonna die tho

anyways guys im gonna try to go out tonight if i can get my bike all squared away and keep from dying

welcome back dude!!


Most of these folks don’t know what it’s like in the rest of the world. Kids these days complain about school, etc. American education is 10 levels below European education.

You don’t see kids killing each other, little kids being disobedient to their parents, etc. in Europe. If that happened, said kid would get his ass beat by not only his parents but other parents around him.

Sometimes I wish the US was more like Europe. Other times I don’t.

Regardless, welcome back.

ya haha i saw some kids get their asses beat by their parents and i guess school teachers still do it to

anyways im gona shoot u a pm when my new ram gets here should be mid this week

We’ll talk, I have a few specific days off when we can get a move on this.

As far as the signup question goes - that’s my fault not Singhs :lol

I find it funny how spammers have no problem signing up but actual members do through the trick quesitons.

goes to show ya what kind of member base we collect :retardclap

j/k :tongue

they let you back in? shoot me a message about the super secret plans for owning the net.

yea bro dont worry :slight_smile: i got u

and yea tryin to come to america via jfk is like the worst experience ever… fuckin assholes

welcome back Dave, what did u bring us?


Actually whatever happened to my promised-bundled-taxfree collection of imported leafs that make you feel good in bags?

I just didnt understan what “The Word” meant. I was looking around for the word that i was supposed to spell. If it was what are the letters in the word cat or whatever i would have understood. Maybe im just thick headed :lol

DAMMIT VLAD i knew u wanted something and i asked u again what it was a few days before i left but lost net and wasnt able to check

dammmn yea now i remember, oh well shit happens :smiley:

I TRIED to find beeds and shit for jason but no luck

rupees but yea :smiley:

so, you’ve brought us nothing? AND you’re not wearing your turban? get back there and do it again!

lmao round 2

yea i brought back a bunch of money and been handing that out but i have almost none now, some people of shift got money if they were lucky enough i have some left tho !

other than money tbh i didnt bring back shit haha i couldnt fit it, i actually had to leave some clothes and other shit there…

shoulda brought like a hot northern indian girl back, theyre hot over there. the lighter skinned ones.

u dont have to tell me how hot they are


any fotos for us then?:excited