Singh vs. Cossey since Singh seems to like to start shit for no reason.

You don’t even know who my best friends are, you fucking schmuck. Of course you’re going to say everyone when you have no legitimate sources and simply wanna try to attack me for something since you’re such a shitty person. I couldn’t care less what any of these people on here think of me, or of you, you’ll always be a scumbag in my book. From your “holier than thou” attitude (like you FB statuses talking about how all these rappers suck, when I don’t see you making SHIT), to how you simply talk down to absolutely everyone on here. I don’t see anyone on here everyday, or even week or month for that matter. I know damn well Adam, Jon, Vlad, and Marat whom I think highest of would say any of that, so you can go fuck yourself. You say you’re not being a pussy about it, yet you won’t tell me who said this stuff, simply because it’s not true.

It’s NO ONE’S business but my own for what I spend MY money on, and I do not have to explain myself to people like you about what I may or may not buy my girlfriend. EVERYONE can assume she’s a gold digger when I, and those closest to me, know it’s simply not true. People will think she is simply because she’s with me and I have money. So assume what you want, you can take your fake sources and shove them up your ass.

And like I said, I totally understand how close minded, uneducated people such as yourself can think like that. “I can’t think of any logical argument against him, so I’ll bring up his gf who has absolutely nothing to do with why we were arguing in the first place.”

As for the banning, it’s a damn internet forum so quit bitching about it like it was the end of the world right after you said you don’t have the energy to argue anymore.