SINGH's Will

WELL im leavin on tuesday as long as my visa gets here on time

so cya guys in 1-3 months :smiley: prolly two if it goes as planned, or maybe never if really goes as planned LOL j/k


For my WILL:

my pc goes to shady cuz he just had a new baby this morning

my bike goes to 91teg cuz he rode it almost as much as i did

my riding jacket goes to vlad cuz its originally his jacket anyways LOL

this half cookie i stopped eating cuz it sucks goes to jammer for when he gets the munchies

the infinniti in the garage can go to travis cuz i feel like he always needs a car (the real travis not turbo travis)

and oh yea my whey protien goes to turbo travis but its nearly gone so w/e

the rest of the durex condoms go to jclark, gotta save him some money and cut down expenses

my microphone goes to jplat cuz hes hard like that

my grand market goes to k20 cuz he will beat it just as good as i do LOL

my htc goes to meena cuz his phone sucks (this aint much better)

the rest of these pretzels go to rankin, cuz i havent given him enough pretzels already

all my bills will be changed over to jrubinos name and address (even if i dont die)

my latest id goes to chris with the 07ss cuz hes still rocking my expired id

my cat goes to mcflurry cuz he seems to be in good with the animals and shit

all my ho’s and skanks i got in my phone, you can send them all petes (30r) way, and for the n00d pics, post them in the NWS topic, thats the only proper place for them LOL (j/k kinda) Oh yea and for the pic of my schlong, give that to 88slomaro as a thank you for sending his balls to all our phones

Oh and someone give a knuckle-sandwich to that boy turbodiesel for bein such a damn liar all of the fuckin time

Thats all, i dont have alot of shit like alot of you… cuz i spend my money on consumables LOL


Thanks Nasty. I’ll need all the replacement protein I can get with all the masturbating that I’m about to do to the new Britney video.

Oh, I’ll claim that ‘real’ Travis title, thanks.

Quality post

thread title is deceiving… I thought you were going to announce your relationship with a young boy named Will.

#1 where are your going
#2 finish my little project or you’ll have to actually go through with this will
#3 dibs on your uber hack0r computer systemz

mic will get wrecked son!

I’m honored.

But for srs, we need your signature on it and the signature of 2 witnesses too.

yessir… and singh i could always use a better PC since my laptop is horrible… just saying lol

good luck on your trip!!!

Yeah, and that cookie is long gone bro. I need something to remember you buy… perhaps I could be the one your kidnappers send bodyparts too.

I’ll see u before you go…

AWWW!! lol who am I gonna text now?! LOL

Good read! Have a safe trip over there Singh!!! Try to email someone at SOME POINT!!!

Don’t worry I’ll work on the Algo thing for ya and have it set up by the time you get back… and if not I’ll make one shirt and hang it like a flag! :smiley:

yes i get the fucking grand market!!! LMK when I can pick it up…first thing i do is a burnout and hit a snow bank!

Have fun on your trip dude, don’t knock up too many hairy chicks!

Gonna miss your random ims and wall posts…

Way to leave me out of your will, you could have at least given me my hdd back.

Good luck bud and have fun

a fucking cat! i already have 3 i dont need another little fucker running around my house


your right lmao the cookie was actually gone when i got done typing that post LOL

ok your the body parts receiver then !


my bad mike LOL forgot all about putting the broken hdd in the will, btw come get this mother fucking hdd before i slingshot this shit back to your house from clifton park and hit your mustang with it

my bad, a young boy named will was def on everyones mind when seeing this thread title :rofl

:eek: u sure you want to ? travis has quite a title on him


Ha ha whoa I want some kind of bull shit gift…can i copilot the grand market as joey destroys it

… :eek:




it’s not often do I read something related to death on these boards… now queer shit, that’s aplenty. It was just an educated assumption :smiley: