Sister Busted for meeting a guy on MySpace

wow. that was HILLARIOUS when she started crying.

Hilarious, but wow is the brother a prick.

lol. in the butt

her mother fails.
:smiley: I Like stupid parents, they make stupid kids, who make stupid videos, for me to laugh at.

Still the dumbest mother fucker on here^^^^

damit!!! and I was gonna put “INBEFOREKARTERGETSROMPED” but I said nah maybe next time.

I doubt that, you drive a miata, that takes the cake.

“thats dangerous! in the butt!”

EDIT: shes fat as fuck, she wouldn’t have gotten raped.


doh who cares just another slut lookin to get it

moms got some big titties

I rape her, AND HER MOM

hahaha. IN THE BUTT


Come on…

Really? that’s it?
Every post you make is just spouting useless bullshit.
Your logic seems to be on par with a 14 year old.
And, in your attempt to insult me, all you can tell me is I drive a miata…?
Really, I’m not surprised.

My rebuttal.
You are poor.


thats dangerous… in the butt lol

edit: a nice miata IMO :tup:

you could have been raped…in the butt…murdered…get some sense into you’r head…in the butt…

Hehe. He started with me last week… i put him in his place pretty quickly. The kid is an absolute joke and could potentially be worse than any of the other shithead members that this site has ever had.


i really hope you’re referring to the MILF and not the fatty 18 year old myspace whore…

LOL@ poor. I’ve got money So I’m not upset.
Actually you dont even drive a miata, because it dosent run.
So you have a broken little faggot car. Suits you.

Sureshot, you didnt put anyone in thier place.
You weren’t worth responding too.
I remember something about a car I was selling, and that I went to a cruise night. Thats hardly a diss. Go get drunk and think of something better.

i usually dont get involved in this kinda gay online cock jousting…but, are you getting on Sureshot for being a drunk? are you saying there’s something wrong with that? because if you are, you’re attacking me and many other worthy members of this forum…

and i dont know you, and rarely pay attention to your posts, but in the rare event that i do take the time to read something you post, it usually leads me to think you’re a pretty worthless human being…

so yeah…that’s all i got for ya now, but that’s just cause i’m sober…i’ll post more about you later after i’m drunk…