the "karter, stop f*cking up threads" thread.


Stop following me around in other threads, quoting every god damn thing I say just to say something stupid to me. It’s annoying, and I’m sure other members are sick of it too.

So, here’s your own thread. You got shit to talk? Then be my guest.

Also, I’m sure the following insults will go something like this:
You’re fat.
You’re ugly.
You’re stupid.
Something about travisn.


u mad bro?

This is why I hate this forum.

so…are there going to be tits or not?

As much as I NEVER agree with Dawn.

Karter just need to be banned at this point.

They need to have sex and get over this already.

my thing went off

edit: nice new title! when was that imposed?!?

when you were being a fucking weirdo creep in that thread with the pink cavalier.

why do people even read what he posts?

Why is Karter so horrible again? I guess i missed the memo…

U guys know u can just ignore him right?

Wtf was that shit about the chainsaw?

Where is all of this happening lol?


More gross

Yours is MUCH better.

Okay. To clear things up DAWN don’t flatter yourself. When I’ve already posted in a thread, and you come into it to talk shit, and I respond to you talking shit. Thats not following you around.
Second, You make assanine comments about shit you know nothing about. “his wheels and tires cost more than your projects” Go price some trxus mtrs and come talk to me. I’ve got tires that cost what an ls1 costs.

Third I’m not horrible, people just pay a ton of attention to me, spot light status, so when I do the same shit you fucking homos do, I get noticed for it. Something along the lines of “the nail that sticks out get hammered”

Fourth, you bitches are easy. Very few of you get it at all, it takes one thing that you don’t agree with, and you go off in a little piss pants rant fest, there is no debate, just a bunch of whining shit. Some members will debate, some members appreciate different opinions.

Fifth, to go along with what was said prior, most of you fucking homos have been grab assing each other for way too long. Ever noticed how much bandwagon goes on on this forum, how cliquey the forum is, in or out? E very notice the massive influx of new members who don’t stay? Where is pittspeed? Why did half of them leave? Because you grab ass homos talking shit to everyone and puffing youe e chests at people, because your “Bros” will come in and support you, due to sharing the same dilusion drove everyone else away.

As for the chainsaw thread, I typed in beheading like 4 threads came up. So I said fuck it post it with a disclaimer at that top that said it might be beyond reach. Couger locked it, said not to debate, I messaged him said no debate my bad. Why did I post it? because everyones seen this shit, but how many seen it with a fucking chainsaw? The shit is in the same ball park as the girl who hacked herself up and took tons of pictures, and all the pictures of the russians doing crocodile or whatever the fuck its called. If you’ve seen oen thing you’ve seen them all.

As for minglors thread, hes a fucking tool. its obvious too, read his response to me. I misjudged a picture and said I see some siq heaters coming up, basically thumbs upping his build and he threw a fucking hissyfit about it. Cool bro, my bad for misjudging. I’m sorry you are too fucking stupid to shop for tires of the proper size, r15s arent that hard to find if you stop playing grab ass long enough to look.

This forum is a fucking shit show, take a look at yourselves most of you are no better than anyone else. Every change that has happened to this forum sucks. The only good things that have happened have been onyx making track days, 1/4 mile shoot outs and actually trying to make it a fucking car community instead of a bunch of grab ass kids who need to get a fucking life.

As for whats going on, I almost feel bad for the people who get flamed for having priorities. I fuck with lz because he fucks with me, but the fact that his car is taking extra long to be done right, and the fact he took time away to buy a house, is respectful. How many of you fucking bums even own a house that are calling other people poor?

Dawn? You? last I knew you were trying to peddle a sub 2k piece of shit blazer. I don’t have the coolest toys because I have the coolest bills to pay. I’m 23 going on 24. I own a house on several acres OUTRIGHT. I don’t owe the bank a fucking dollar on it. I pay the taxes on it thats that. I also own a part share in another estate that I’m working on buying other people out of. I’m planning my future, juggling an extreme offroad jeep build, a shitty hot rod, a shitty drag car and driving around in my 2005 silverado that has less than 20k on it. I’m so poor.

You can stare at me all you want, take a look at yourselves and the shit you fucking say to other people. stones in a glass house. Dawn you suck, get some friends, don’t call Travis a freak, Ive seen the girls he’s pulled in the past. He must of not got laid in a while if you are suddenly attractive to him, or he was kidding, because you aren’t on thier level.

Reason people who met me offline say I’m nothing like I am on the forum, because they arent playing grab ass off the forum, level headed convo, sarcasm dosent translate well on a forum, and neither does indirect humor.

Oh ban karter ban karter. They dont ban anyone for real reasons, only personal like deebo getting banned for glws… there are atleast 6 people who have been permabanned that are on this forum right now, and one of them has dawns audi and speedpeds welder. Food for thought.

and as for the mods / staff. Karter says soemthing someone dosent agree with or I don’t agree with. 6 people talk a bunch of shit, karter responds, he’s the issue, its all karters fault. LOL See what happens when you let flaming go un controled. People respond.

Go ahead write some stupid shit defending your grab assery, I don’t care, never did. I come here to look at build threads and watch races. The fact that anything I’ve ever said to anyone that was opinion based and not a direct insult, has resulted in direct insults to me, because they got angry over the internet, is fucking hilarious. Calm down and shit, get some fiber in your diet. Switch to decaff, something.

Need cliffs I am far too lazy to sift through that mess.

I didn’t say whos :stuck_out_tongue:

Cliffs: Dawn sucks, women are retards, I own a house and some expensive tires, I’m not part of the cool club so nyspeed sucks. /cliffs

Oh, and he has some valid points about the chainsaw thread. I didn’t watch it but others have posted some pretty sick shit and not had it locked. It’s funny that so many suggest ignoring Karter but have no problem with closing a thread. You can just as easily ignore a thread that offends you.