skaters are gay

Originally posted by Shaggy
you mean not painted :tounge:
they are not texure bumpers!!!

thats when you need a gun, i would have shot the fucker then shot the video tape person…

Originally posted by whitey
thats when you need a gun, i would have shot the fucker then shot the video tape person…

Then fucked that girl in her ass!:bigthumb: :bigok:

i wonder what $40k car she was driving.

is there a full length of that video???

from that video, the skateboard didn’t come close to anything when he threw it:dunno:

i dunno, thats the only clip i saw

i would have reported that guy to a mod and had him deleted, cause mods are nuts, they kill people you know.

Originally posted by brokeasskorean
yea sure if u say so,after getting ur head slammed into solid concrete from a kid that weighs double u is probably worse than getting hit in the head with a skateboard. oh yea and after that happened i jumped right back up and continued to fight…
:beer: yeah i was actaully stunned you got back up and kept going with blood puring out your head!!

props to brokeass:D

BUT ASfor that skater dude in the vid… he deserved to die… cause it wasn t like people was trying to start with him… he was fucking up peoples rides… and luaghing…

that vid reminds me of KIDS the movie… great movie… but still

Originally posted by Cutty
Our city built all these fucken skate parks but would they ever consider a track for street racers, HELL NO!

Pittsburgh Raceway Park?


where is a sk8 park in the city?

up by mount oliver there is a park across the street from the big thrift store on 51 by the tunnels. the big hill that goes up to mt oliver, there is a small skatepark on the left in the park.

Originally posted by Vapor Trail
i would have reported that guy to a mod and had him deleted, cause mods are nuts, they kill people you know.
:rofl: they dont kill they just DELETE!!

i think there is a skate park in millvale- Mr. smalls its called i think

Originally posted by BETRAYED93
:beer: yeah i was actaully stunned you got back up and kept going with blood puring out your head!!

props to brokeass:D

George got his ass whooped :confused:

Originally posted by brokeasskorean
yea sure if u say so,after getting ur head slammed into solid concrete from a kid that weighs double u is probably worse than getting hit in the head with a skateboard. oh yea and after that happened i jumped right back up and continued to fight…

haha yeah i remember that. I told you Kolar gets when you bang his mom, but noooooo you wouldnt believe me.

and these sk8 parks are built by the city?

oh yeah, finally watched the video w/ sound. sk8er kid was a dick… but at teh same time dont go up to one and try to start a fight, esp while he is holding his board…

Originally posted by vw16vcabby
and these sk8 parks are built by the city?

There in the city, in a city park, so they must be built by tha city.:poke: :smiley: :smiley:

looks like a easy way to get shot

IMO that would have been a justified shooting. That skater could have easily killed him with the board and it wasn’t like he hit him only once. He kept hitting him and the dude was on the ground. As far as I;m concerned your “all means of escape” are gone when you are down on the ground like that.

Yup a barn door probably would have been getting blown though the back of his head…

Those standby people were pussys Granted i wouldnt want to get beat up by a skate board but if its my friend ill jump in plus it wasnt like he had a bunch of other skater dudes w/ him that mob of people couildve easily taken him. No one calls teh police ?? Plus like u cant attempt to grab the board when hes swinging it.
BUT…Thats why i have a led pipe under the seat of my car and a cell phone. I lost my butterfly knife :frowning: