skaters are gay

Originally posted by Silver_WS6
I lost my butterfly knife :frowning:

ok S.A.

mike and i were in that situation this summer but the fight never got out of control, no need to step in. Both parties shook hands after it was all said and done anyway.

How many fights have you guy’s been in?

I have never fought anyone.

Originally posted by Cutty
ok S.A.

mike and i were in that situation this summer but the fight never got out of control, no need to step in. Both parties shook hands after it was all said and done anyway.

that was some wierd shit i didnt even know it was a fight untill it was already going then once i figured i had my digicam i only got the end :frowning: lol lets see a 5 10 skinny midget vs 300 lbs tuff guys ummmm im glad i have the “pipe” under the seat of the car

Originally posted by BlkP42E
up by mount oliver there is a park across the street from the big thrift store on 51 by the tunnels. the big hill that goes up to mt oliver, there is a small skatepark on the left in the park.

but pretty small though the half pipe only has a 4 foot long flat spot and there is like 1 rail they do have a pretty cool fun box though

Originally posted by Cutty
Our city built all these fucken skate parks but would they ever consider a track for street racers, HELL NO!

You have some of the worst logic i have ever heard. First of all, there are already ‘tracks for street racers.’ They’re called keystone and quaker state. Are you complaining because they’re too far away? Well maybe theres a reason for that. You seem to forget that the city is actually populated and people really dont like hearing cars with their exhausts taken off all night long. Skaters don’t produce noise in excess of 100DBs. Besides, i’m sure that even if the city of pittsburgh did build a ‘track for street racers’ you wouldn’t go because you have a flat tire.

Don’t forget the new installation up at Beaver either, I hear it’s really damn nice…

Originally posted by delsloow
You have some of the worst logic i have ever heard. First of all, there are already ‘tracks for street racers.’ They’re called keystone and quaker state. Are you complaining because they’re too far away? Well maybe theres a reason for that. You seem to forget that the city is actually populated and people really dont like hearing cars with their exhausts taken off all night long. Skaters don’t produce noise in excess of 100DBs. Besides, i’m sure that even if the city of pittsburgh did build a ‘track for street racers’ you wouldn’t go because you have a flat tire.

Originally posted by delsloow
You have some of the worst logic i have ever heard. First of all, there are already ‘tracks for street racers.’ They’re called keystone and quaker state. Are you complaining because they’re too far away? Well maybe theres a reason for that. You seem to forget that the city is actually populated and people really dont like hearing cars with their exhausts taken off all night long. Skaters don’t produce noise in excess of 100DBs. Besides, i’m sure that even if the city of pittsburgh did build a ‘track for street racers’ you wouldn’t go because you have a flat tire.

Originally posted by Silver_WS6
lets see a 5 10 skinny midget vs 300 lbs tuff guys ummmm im glad i have the “pipe” under the seat of the car
me & uwith ur pipe!!!:smiley:

How cool is it to stand by and “OOOOOOHH” when someone is getting f’ed up like that

and that is why i have this wrapped around my leg

Originally posted by Pewterss
me & uwith ur pipe!!!:smiley:

ok :slight_smile: let me get the first hit in :slight_smile: heheh then ill run like hell and see if i can wear you down

Originally posted by Silver_WS6
ok :slight_smile: let me get the first hit in :slight_smile: heheh then ill run like hell and see if i can wear you down
ok tonight it is!!!:tounge:

pewter fights dirty-

Originally posted by Shaggy
pewter fights dirty-

noted thanks

Originally posted by Shaggy
pewter fights dirty-
taking a shower first!!:tounge:

I swear on all that is holy…if that happened to me or one of my friends, or hell even if i saw that shit going on…that fucking skater would be in the E.R. having slugs removed from his chest.

Fucking assfuck kids taping shit like that to try to be cool like jackass or cky vids is getting old. God help someone if that shit ever happens to me because one of us isnt going home that night.

Christ just watching that video makes me wanna go find a skater and break his face. I cant believe nobody helped that dude out.

Originally posted by 1320
I swear on all that is holy…if that happened to me or one of my friends, or hell even if i saw that shit going on…that fucking skater would be in the E.R. having slugs removed from his chest.

Fucking assfuck kids taping shit like that to try to be cool like jackass or cky vids is getting old. God help someone if that shit ever happens to me because one of us isnt going home that night.

Christ just watching that video makes me wanna go find a skater and break his face. I cant believe nobody helped that dude out.

Everyone standing in the background watching that is a pussy just like the fucker with the skateboard. That skater would be more hunted than bin laden.

well what if the dude that got the beat down made something of that headlock he tried to get the skater in? then the skater “would have got what he deserved”. but the guy tried, missed his shot cause he didnt log enough hours watching WWF to apply the headlock and went down, it was his fault, if you cant fight then buy a gun or carry a pipe under your seat.

Originally posted by Vapor Trail
well if you cant fight then buy a gun or carry a pipe under your seat.
yeah thats the answer jack ass:rolleyes:

Originally posted by OrangeSS
yeah thats the answer jack ass:rolleyes:

haha you must have both.:rolleyes: