Skeleton Ride

I don’t know if anyone else has seen this, pretty badass. Can’t be too comfortable to ride though :eekdance: Designed by an orthopedic surgeon.


is that just a normal car tire on the back?

car tire and the Radiator WTF??? other than that pretty bad ass

Thats amazing minus the radiator.

I have seen a lot of bikes that try to look like a skeleton. This one crushes them all.

Yeah it appears so. I have no idea where it’s located, just got it in an e-mail.

cool bike. looks like a rear tire on the front lol. its huge.

Where is the gas tank?

idk about that exhaust setup. right above your leg :meh:

it doesnt look done. no chain, no controls and the brakes dont look hooked up…

looks horrible. I’ve seen much better examples of this theme

needs a v-twin, needs a real rear bike tire, and the front brake mount looks horrid, among other things

I like it. The radiator fits with the theme. It’s supposed to be a tombstone. (At least that’s what it looks like to me… :gotme:)

I’m just not sure if I’d want that exhaust sitting under my armpit at stoplights.

that thing is badass