Skidplate Shift no le gusta [SPLIT]

then leave dude , no i didnt make it say retard, but if u continue to act like one u will be treated as one . .


I didn’t edit anything to say you were a retard. But whoever did was simply calling a spade a spade.

What a dope.

Dear specialkid,

 Please get the fuck out of here. You are an idiot. Truth is, you actually like it here. That's why you cant stand to wont. you cant. You will always have Shift518 in the back of your mind. You will forever be a silent lurker that wishes he had friends in the make believe internet world that consumes his very being. you need us... now gtfo

Wow. Such a heartless soul. You need church in your life.

Boom, mother fucking head shot

Make believe internet world ftw

If you think you sget shit now, you should’ve been around two years ago… lol

I think I had several free samples of lube mailed to a previous disliked member back in the day. But I think said member fucked someone over as well.

shouldn’t you be pm’ing members for drugs?

+rep!!! :rofl:rofl

:rofl wait what happened?

Thanks dick…

I also seem to fit that description to a T.


You never heard about that? :rofl

SUPPOSEDLY he PMd benny looking to score some coke once. :skid :ahh

Can’t tell if jp1986 is trolling or just a moron


I thought it was SlowMarro he PMd?

It was benny and I lol