Sky Redline>>>>>>>> Neon SRT-4

Coming to Zeeeeeee highway near you, a Certain Pizzeria owner with a snazzy new Sky Redline is going to devour a certain Black neon that lurks on here.
I’m sure her excuse will be she had high heels on and missed a shift:tantrum:
That is all… for now.

hahahahahaha awesome

picking on stairs eh? lol

hahaha good stuff derek! pickin on miss andrea :frowning:

who is this andrea you speak of?

oh i dunno, just a coincidence i think ;)…

ps i want a ride in the sky

:rofl: nice

the sky redlines are such fun little cars

nice buy!

I will laugh when she smokes you :slight_smile:

I’m coming to get you…October 14th is it? :wink:


D you better not lose!!! the respect will go right down the shitter… haha


D you better not lose!!! the respect will go right down the shitter… haha


you could end up like the “L8R JOE” guy :smiley:

IB4 the excuses from the Redline owner.



IB4 the excuses from the Redline owner.



What excuse could I make when I win? I didn’t win by enough?


I’m coming to get you…October 14th is it? :wink:


Who knows now,GM just went on strike and the car had a build date of the week of the 24th



Who knows now,GM just went on strike and the car had a build date of the week of the 24th




lol, time for some upgrades stairzy :snky:


lol, time for some upgrades stairzy :snky:


Then I’ll have to hire a certain HSBC employee that knows how to hide some bottles in small places:tspry:

How’s a 6-pack of bud going to make you go faster?