Skyline gtr

It’s not liking posting the address of a legitmate excavating firm is illegal?! Anyways info removed.

Break my face eh… What the fuck is that supposed to mean i dont know you and i really dont have anything against you and your talking about breaking my face …

Anyways your just pissed that there are other people taking your buisness. I dont see anyone else getting so worked up over this but you and your buisness partner.

And about the license plate in a photo , i dont think its anyones fucking buisness to be having unauthorised photos of someones car with their license plate in the photo since we live in such a civilized sciety where no one steal or commits crimes.

See YOU later.

Is it really your place to be putting up ppls adresses on the net…so what if he is selling cars that arnt “legal” you have noplace to be putting up his adress for negative publicity, if anyone wants information im sure they can get ahold of u cause i dont even post on here much an i know your the one that imports the only legit cars right??? cause thats how u make it seem by bashing everyone elses buisness or cars they bring in, so what if someone has an illegal car, how does that affect u in any way, shape or form???


I’ll keep it short… there are lots of other legit and good importers out there, awesome guys as well.

I only say what’s on my mind, even if it causes a conflict to better public awareness… not everybody is well informed on certain topics.

PM me if you want to discuss my previous post or anything on this topic, I told SRburg I wouldn’t get into it here.


If I recall you’re the one who threatened to break someones face, not me. Don’t misread my post as being directed at YOU either. It’s a simple statement infering that if someone is involved in illegal activities, whatever they may be, they’re most likely going to have problems so don’t take it the wrong way. shrugs shoulders

Anyways, since we’re all enthusiasts I thought you’d love to see another enthusiasts ride (notice, no license plates are visible), these were taken from public property but I thought it would be nice not to show the plate #…

mmmm nothing like the smell of the first flames on a new forum…
hopefully we don’t have a ton of these but for some reason i don’t see that happening :wink:

Somebody’s gotta set a fire?! Oh well, I’m sure this one won’t stay burning long…

Yeah, cause I’m gonna put it out real fast if this continues.

Chris, I told you to leave this illegal car stuff out of this forum.

I don’t wanna hear anything else about spotted GTR’s and other illegal cars. We’ve all seen them, and we all know they are out there.

those skylines out side sherwood park, i know they been talked bout, they are for sale. i just want to know if they are legal. my cuz is seriously considering buy the black skyline. i belive a gt. but not to sure. the guy said its a late model 88 he has the import sheets with the inspection just i dont know anything about importing skylines other than the fact they have to be 15 years old.

sorry aaron for bring the car up again but i needed to ask.
thanks jamie

Its either a GTS, which is non-turbo, a gts-t which is a turbo 2 litre or a GT-R a twin turbo 2.6L. There is no way they are legal as they didnt start manufacturing them for another couple of weeks. They will not become legal at that time. For insurance reasons I would stay away, but thats just my opinion. I think this thread can die now…

If you want to know about the Skylines, phone up the dude that is selling them. I’m pretty sure that would be the best way about doing it.

None of us have seen the papers, and wouldn’t know FOR SURE, although we can get a good estimate of the situation. If your buddy wants to see them, go see them. If he wants to take the chance of it being illegal, than thats his fortay.

Enjoy, and this closure of topic has been brought to you by: Aaron :wink: