Need Some Serious Advice

Some I was scrolling through nasioc and I saw this post:

Funny thing is not more than 5min later I get a pm from this guy asking about a possible trade for my 04 sti. All I know of the car is that its obv a black 1991 Skyline GTR, right hand drive. Thats all I know and he is supposed to send me more details. But my question is would you do it? Especially because its coming from Canada(I think it is, NOT fully sure) and I know the whole issues with Skylines here plus it is a R32.

if it is a canada car, you will not be able to get it registered

yea i understand this, but i am not sure if it is or isnt. i am assuming it is

in canada, they consider classics 15yrs…we consider 25yrs…so in canada they can have whatever car they want 10yrs sooner than us. you can register this car in the US in 2016.

If you could register it here yes.

But since you can’t, keep the Sti.

I didnt read before i voted… keep the STI, if you cant drive the GTR whats the point.

what exactly would happen, if, you bought this car… filled out all the dmv forums and went to register it…

Does it show up on their computer screens that this car CANNOT be registered?

It is a canadian car, as soon as the DMV sees that, red flags will go up.

I don’t think the GTR is more ‘baller’ than the STi, just harder to get parts for. I say keep the STi.

There is no way to register it here… I’ve had people try to trade me r33’s more than a few times over the past year lol

you’re a bitch either way :stuck_out_tongue:


people do vin swaps all the time, youd probably get away with it, no one knows what a gtr is around here, i had no idea that was a gtr when i looked at the pic, im used to the other ones, i would NOT recommend a vin swap, but if ya really want the car thats up to you

If there is a maple leaf on the Vin tag on the door( usually driver’s door) then it is a canadian car

your dumb


It’s a Canadian car, there are ways to register it but it’s not worth your time. So no, you don’t need any serious advice :wink:

Sometimes nothing, sometimes DOT or customs or the EPA shows up on your doorstep or sends you a nice letter telling you to pay a minimum $25,000 fine and return the car to it’s country of origin (on your dime).

Sometimes nothing, sometimes DOT or customs or the EPA shows up on your doorstep or sends you a nice letter telling you to pay a minimum $25,000 fine and return the car to it’s country of origin (on your dime).

cool car but… no.

Stop being emo Steve


do eeeet, make it a track car until 2016.

this is a horrible idea.

baller not found