
:rofl: OMG you totally burned me! Ouch, really I’m in tears over here. If i wanted her back I would have at least attempted. You know nothing about me, so don’t even try that shit.

Being single is the shit… Its too bad however that your parents didnt decide to be single long ago. Instead of producing the puddle of vomit with a perm that I like to call “Schmeider”.

Christ you are quite possibly the ugliest fucking dude I’ve ven seen in my life. I would like to see ANY girl thats ever let your fat greasy pre-pubescent ass touch her.

  1. You’re completely replusive looking.
  2. What the fuck are those craters all over your forehead?
  3. Is that a perm?
  4. I’ll bet a million dollars you’re still a virgin.

Please, and I’m 100% serious when I say this… Go and fucking kill yourself. The world will be a better place.

Yours Truly,