Quote: Originally Posted by Pewter
Give First Bass a call!!! Quote:

Originally Posted by SCHMEIDER
he does like 5 of them a day…give him a call he’ll know exactlly wat to do Quote:

OMG! U are like the lil fucking midget mini me in a lousy $300.00 homemade commercial saying"Go to first bass! I love him, he is the bestest installer in the whole wide world!"…SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! U are doing nothing but giving ur cousin a bad fucking name n rep,please STFU!

WTF r u talkin about

U follow chaz around this fucking sight n has to readvertise his work all the fucking time! Stop it! It is annoying and leave ur cous alone when it comes to bussiness becasue ua re giving him a bad rep! Post but don’t fucking post about his work shithead!

ok sleeper LISTEN quit gettin hard on the computer…u leave me alone and i’ll leave u alone…what will happen in the real life will happen and its gonna happen sooner or later

P.S. back off my nuts about what i post…do i roam this site reading everything u post…NO…soo back up off my shit

What will happen…? The other one finally about to drop? I bet ur excited:tool:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

im gonna drop this childish shit…U need to grow up and thats comin from a teenager…think bout that…PERIOD…

This is E-Fighting…ur my lil bitch now:greddy2:

^^ 1 no im not i TRAIN the bitches…i dont let the bitches(devin) train me…and 2 i was talkin bout real life

and i tryed to be cool wit u but u r hard headed and i guess thats how ur gonna be…

It;s thug life or nothing with u isn’t it?

naw nuthin like that…i just dont take shit from anybody

i guess its either like me or hate me…thats how its gonna be

Wwel u should,becasue u have seem to already piss off most of the ones u don’t want to on this sight so god only knows how ur lil ringworm ghetto as is in the real world…

tell me how im ghetto??? huh…

and actually if i pissed some people off…by the way i see wat ur gettin to…but if they kill me i guess thats how its gonna be…I DONT GIVE A FUCK…i only have one thing to live for and i will meet up wit that person in the long run so its all goooood!!!

What the fuck did u just say:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :nuts: :nuts:

D i d I S t u d d e r