Slide or Die. Bitches.

my question has not yet been answerd

cause your shoulder hurts.

our bodies are no wonderland…:rofl:

but…who cares…it was too much fun to really complain in a negative way about it… i think we’re all like …

"oh yeah?!? well my bruise/cut is bigger than yours! " hahha

fuck hurtin i have to keep it in a sling now just so it stays in the socket, if i dont it subluxes and is kinda dangleing…like a big weiner.

Scrap a sling. Duct tape, mate, duct tape.

i landed myself right into the hospital…a small rock or stick or something scratched my eye and got infected :frowning: now i look like a pirate…i think it will be a while before i go on the slip n slide…but still worth all the fun we had!! thanks Josh, Joe, and Adam for hosting the party!!!

Blimey, I didn’t know you had to go to the hospital! Hope you heal soon. Hehehe, you could borrow my parrot to complete your pirate outfit.

And yes, a HUGE thanks to Josh, Jessica, Joe (thanks for almost killing me), and Adam for being lovely hosts. It was a fantastic time!

you looked okay at the movie :gotme: thats awful though, hope you feel better by the next time we get together :tup:

no one wants to borrow your parrot! shalom is an evil biting machine


How the hell did that happen? There weren’t any sticks or stones anywhere on top of the tarp :confused:

Arrrrgh, me eyeballs matey… Curse ye infernal slipnslide!

Still sore here…badly…

ok well next time invite me damnet!!

i say you and me make are own slip and slide and invite everyone xept the losers who diddnet invite us :mad:

hells yeah

You’re an animal lover, it’s all good :wink:

i think i brought a bunch of scabbies to the playing field… sorry stairs. :frowning: but atleast i’m itch free now. :tup:

Run your mouth like you run your car, and you’ll think you’ve been hit by a truck.

LafenGas…i love your sig thats awsome. :lol:

Sorry to hear about your eye Andrea. Get better soon.

Myself, I’ve got a bruise the size of a tennis ball on my left elbow, golf ball just above my left hip, and still not sure how big the one on my left thigh is gonna get. Would I do it again though… hell yea!!! More beer will be needed though!

Tosh. Quit your whinging, you big 'ol baboon. Anyway, I love your sig!

Andrea…just wear goggles next time…you can borrow my boarding ones, lol

im feelin better today…except im still super uber bruised, lol