Slide or Die. Bitches.

^^^cause ur dumb…HAHAH

I had a roll of Shrink Wrap that’s used for storing boats during the winter. Quite durable.

ahhh, is that something you can buy for cheap? My friend has a dock right behind his house and if we could do one going through his backyard, down the dock, and into the lake that would be awesome

so when is round 2 josh???

I think everyone’s bruises have to heal up (well those pansies that actually bruised :stuck_out_tongue: ). Maybe end of summer or something, that would be my vote if there was a vote taken. We can’t do it too much, it would kill the buzz. IF you missed it you missed it. :slight_smile:

ahhaa suckaH~! :stuck_out_tongue:

i got all of your text msgs…but we later started to play drinking games and go for another round outside…shoulda came here Jon :lol: hehe

…i could so do this again in a few days when i heal.

i cant lift my leg without picking it up to cross my legs or put it on the clutch after driving with it for a while…owwyyy oww…ahahha

there WILL be a round 2 before the summer is over…we need some blow up obstacles in it next time :rofl:

heres my thigh…its actually more black/blue than the pic :tdown:

im soo down for this. make sure you’all plan it far enough in advance so i can make it :wink:

and we better do an inner tube with a ramp…I WANNA GO OFF A RAMP WITH AN INNER TUBE DAMNIT. :lol:

No inner tube.

And I don’t see how all of you car going to handle a ramp when you are all bruised and battered from just a flat slip-n-slide.

^^^oh stop trying to ruin the fun rick…INNER TUBE!!! :rofl:

Oh I’m not stopping the fun. I’ll be laughing at you when the bruises/broken body limbs occur when you take that first jump on the ramp with an inner tube :lol:

and then I’ll say fuck it, Skunk can’t have all the fun. Kinda like on Sat :slight_smile:

LOL…i am willing to take the inner tube challenge

im pretty sure i am concussed, everytime i moved my head today it hurt like a motherbitch

my elbows and hip are owned

Oh snap, so this is where the pictures are posted!

My initiation into white trash American culture! :tup: It was bloody scary, my brembos kicked in the first few tries but I got into the swing of things … till Andy crashed right into me and caused me to careen across the bloody tarp into a herd of half-naked buffalos!

^^^ you were too funny…haha atleast you sort of got the hang of it in the end :lol:

SKUNK! down for a ramp :rofl: hahah

^^^hahahaah thank you…at least the AK-VILE is as daring as myself…inner tube+ramp=damn good times…maybe some broken bones…but damn good times none the less :slight_smile:

so hwo are you foinf to do a ramp… like to do a jump or to gain momentum?

oh we’ll figure something out…WHORE

WTF!!! where was this and why wasnt i invited lol !!!

w0w! looks like some awesome time!