Slide or Die. Bitches.

so sore. cant walk. need advil. chest is scraped. elbow is swolen. knee is swolen. head hurts (thanks chino).

but one thing i really really miss. is the way the soap made my ass cheeks slide easier when i was walking. so awesome.

I’m going to try and use carpet foam next time. Plus, maybe i’ll make a better effort to remove rocks and sticks before laying the plastic down.

My bruises and scrapes are minor… i was the first person to draw blood however. I’ll post pics from my camera later.

didnt you guys learn from my thread?

They weren’t sliding anywhere, those pics are all PS’s!

You know they just wanted to know exactly what sex with a bear was like, I know i do!

Funny thing is, I’m not sore at all :slight_smile:

I think next time we should get one of those rollers that you fill up with water (the one landscapers use to flatten the lawn) and just run that over the surface a few times. That should smooth things out. Also maybe let the grass grow a bit taller just before doing it again

someone suggested a tube and a ramp, that needs to be followed up on…

HAHAHAHAH that was my idea…but everybody was like…“noooooo we can’t do that…”


Looks like fun, I was in cleveland getting my drink on though so I missed out

yea because that wouldnt be fun… thats why you got shot down :slight_smile:

innertubes are pointless :slight_smile:

i have a few minor bruises… but it was totally worth it!!!

i will bring the dishsoap… when is round 2??

you need some of the foam mats that they use at Darien Lake, for the waterslides, We did that at a 4th of july party down the 30’ beach at my parents house into our 3acre pond, They sand at the end gets a bit abrasive, but its worth it,

ok so where to get these foam mats? :snky:

the sooner we have the mats, the sooner we can slide or die again

:beer: :beer: :beer:

laundry detergent is cheaper than dish soap. 3 gallons for like 3 bucks…

Laundry detergent doesn’t soften hands while sliding.

Pamolive > Laundry detergent

you dont have to flatten the lawn… the random puddles add to the excitement.


How much more room do you have? I’ll get some vids from a friends upcoming party where the S&S will be 300+ feet long. 1 of the advantages of living in the country.

LOL @ the sticks… so many people ( azndancer ) flew over one perticular stick about 100x

from fence to fence we probably have around 60 yards, maybe more

So true :wiggle:

what exactly did you make the slip and slide out off? Tarps or what is that?

w0w! sounds like fun!

omg i was wasted downtown… why did i not go v:cry: