Slide or Die. Bitches.

First you run-run-run-run-run:

And then you slide-slide-slide:

You slip-n-slide for a very long time :rofl:

Pics and vids of slippin’ and slidin’ :! Go to RX3 Gallery, then SlipnSlide 2005 album!

Vids only direct link to slippin’ and slidin’ :


Slidin’ !
Ay Caramba!


And to think I almost didn’t do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHAHAH…i am still soooo sore…

mike, were so doin that at the party, lol

LMAO :lol:

So this is what I missed by working sat :frowning:



I wish I wasn’t at the wedding almost… :frowning:

it was pretty sweet. to bad I missed so many people by showing up late.

omg…BEST time ever!!!

imagine …20 some people, half naked, covered in palmolive and A-Jax…some a little buzzed…60 ft. homemade slip-N-slide

toO much fun :lol:

i cant move. i think its worse today. i have bruises on my thigh,hip,ribs,elbows, and knee…but sooo totally worth it.


^^you’re right … im worse today then i was yesterday … i feel like i got hit by a bus…but it was definitly good times :slight_smile:

today isn’t as bad as yesterday… :bloated: my hip/ass has the biggest blackest bruise on it of all time, but i can sort of walk today, while yesterday i was just hobbling around

definately one of the most memorable moments of the summer :tup:

edit: group picture link:

my body is fucking owned :frowning:

so worth it though :tup:


Skunk is acting gay?

and LOL x 190287391283791273981273918237 to all the great tan lines…


It really looks like he could hardly contain himself with all those shirtless dudes around!

If I was Danielle I’d probably be jealous/worried!


:lol: thats awesome

hahhahaha…u asses…i don’t think i was trying to act gay at that time…i think he just took the pic at the wrong time

Damn I knew i should of came up to the B-Lo for that ish.

What a great time…cept for the total body soreness :tdown: Too bad yesterday we went to the supermarket and people thought I was a violent wifebeater cuz of all the bruises my gf displayed :lol:

Oh yeah, and she really appreciates you guys all stopping and finding her ring :tup:

edit: and Adam’s valiant attempt to barrelroll me was much too slow for my leet leaping ninja skillz!!

Fatty Howie + palmolive + that thing = it would have been freakin’ awesome

So when is round 2? I have a lot of flat foam we can lay on the ground to soften shiet up

Yeah man, this was a blast. I think I got the worst tan line too, but oh well. It was all worth it…

Do you think if you wet the soil under the plastic, it would soften a bit and smooth out the bumps? Or would it make a mess of the lawn? Or both?

Looks like fun, but not for a chubby yeti like myself. :lol:

  1. i think we intend on putting down some big foam shit underneath… people are really fucked up

  2. i dont know when round 2 is, but most people have been telling me ‘yea id love to do it again…just not tomorrow’