slogan ideas

i whip it out hardcore like porno flick bitches.

drifting, keeping the tire companies in buisness

zipties never looked this good

go fuck yourself

girls love cars that go sideways

burnt rubber smells good

no my car isn’t on fire

no smoke machine required

kickin it old school

stretched tires, just like your girlfriends asshole

look ma, no hands

because drag racing is boring

who let these guys in

is it bad that this is the my amusement for the night, and i’ve been talking to a girl all night :rofl

we’re not retarded, we go sideways on purpose

we failed our drivers test cause we drifted every turn

drifting, turning power slides into motorsports.

i like my girls vaginas like my driving style, sideways.

because hustling drugs is too dangerous.

we’re the reason the 3rd fast and furious was made.

i once had sex with a dolphin, i drifted home after.

because all the cool kids are doing it

this looked easier on the internet

who put that wall there?

your mom thinks im cute

hey you, look at me!!!

i jumped on this bandwagon cause all the cool kids were and they still think i suck

i wish tires were cheaper

scrounging around tire shop dumpsters is my new hobby.

i think i’m done…for now.