yah…it is.
i heard the same thing:lol my kids are good just a little hyper
pjb man sorry about life man… you look like the lockness monster dude. make fun of my gp if it makes you feel better man, thats what im here for. its okay.
like I said…lets end all this talk and run the cars. Stop dodging the fact.
aright trailer boy i dunno i just thought you said you lived in one… i think the camaro threw me off.
you really are a moron.
yah, my SS is the biggest mullet mobile ever. Your a disgrace. Lets line them up.
you dont have much ground to stand on either.
waa waa waaa, why dont you cry to your old lady about it… “theres this kid on shift… ya the one with the fucking grand prix remember i told you about him before… hes a fucking moron. i want to smoke his ass soooo bad UHHHH
i will smoke him RIGHT NOW where is he…” leave your house in a cold sweat at 4:30 am… “im going to find this mclaren gp.”
well they arent known as the white trash ferrari for nothing… but that name coincides with the 74-81’s a little better
i should be a fucking narrator
or… you should stop posting here… either one works
hey…still the fact its compared to a “ferrari” is good shit.
wow, just wow im done replying to anything you say…I can feel my IQ drop every time I read something you type…you have like the abilities of a 4th grader.
my mullet got bigger when i got my new one
I tried growing a mullet but it didnt work out
is that poop?
that must be the old lady,s disease fecal felia,in other words she loves shit the reason she loves mclaren and his sweet ride
Looks unhealthy to me