Small block twin turbo> shift haters

na hes actually alot kooler than before… wana hang out dude? haha jk

oh yeah i forgot. i didnt notice it on my work bench today either

probably because ive never met you, and ive never given you my name :wink:

i know your name,and i stole the turbo .s i can build a fast bannana vette

MOD EDIT: Sexual harressment is not nice. :frowning:

im sure it will happen soon enough

you do, and my phone number as well :ohnoes
not many people have that

is that a threat? i think it is

and i will thank the lord youll be scurrying back to the 3rd gen.

i take it as so mk4

the lord would thank you if you would stop posting.

why ya want it ill sell it to ya ,ya know what ill trade ya

you couldnt pay me to take it.

isnt that the same thing the hooker told you in regards to your virginity? :lol

haha that was good

why cause it faster than the bannana and the g/p

aright well gotta go the wifeys gonna be pissed if i keep bs ing with you all… im fucking late… its like a sick disease

so the wifee has a sick disease what h.i.v herpe what

better hope wifffeeeyy doesnt say that to you :ahh:rofl

I live in a trailer? do you just love to make shit up to get yourself off? I dont understand…

thats a big trailer youre living in

Yeah because the world really can do without his offspring.