Small block twin turbo> shift haters

Did you fix that pos lt1 yet?

yeah ,it runs great ,now its mod time instead of cob fixin time

shit jay, you may have met your match there with mr. meathooks pullin his pud.:rofl

at least someone can recognize the skills

well judging by the callous’s on your hands Id say youve had alot of practice

the meatpaws


it was great mcfurry was at my place last night ,looked at the comp and goes"im not goin near that thing"

I dont blame him

i dont beat off as often as ai say i do ,but it was funny besides i clean up its not like i nut all over and let it sit there

Lol that would seriously fuck your keyboard up

i know id be bangin on it w.t.f is wrong wit this thing ,oh yeah i just blew my kids down the thing now i see


got all kinds of creepy crawlies all over it.:ohnoes

want to kow something, i have a problem here… whats the highest stall converter i can use with 3.08s without damaging the trans? the cam is not goign to be agressive since the motor is going to be boosted.

a 3200 should be fine

that has a lot of variables in it call a trq converter shop like yank or viggalante and have them spec ya one ,there is no one size fits all …but im sure ya knew that

mclaren. can i be you, please?

yea i did but generally speaking is there a rule of thumb when it comes to too low of a ratio gear and too big of a converter?

i will lose all respect for you if ya dont mod that post pete ,:wtfis wrong wit you :retardclap

there is ya dont want the stall higher than your cruining rpm,s or the tranny will slip and overheat .are ya runnin a th350 ,400 ,700r wit them gears