Small Meet at quaker steak and lube(pics)

Looks like you are meeting some cool people down there, sweet!


sweet E30 M3 :tup:

but the coolest person of all is still at home…YOU!

Nice Skunk! The St. Pete bridge is quite a sight, I’ve been over it a ton of times.

I hope you’re kidding.

So has rained almost everyday, Skunky?

ooo Purdy!

looks like skunkys first FL. mod was to remove the front plate

ST. Pete bridge FTW!!! ( its called something else)
Glad to see you found some people.
Welcome to Tampa Skunk. :slight_smile:

hahah thanks sam… yea the bridge is called “gandy”

and jager… only rained the day i got here…been beautiful since

Wasn’t kidding about the long assed bridge huh?
Be VERY careful on that bridge. the cops will sit on the st.pete and tampa side.
Maybee I’ll see you out there one of these times when I get my car running again.

They’ll be sorry. lol