Small Meet at quaker steak and lube(pics)

had a small get togther over in clearwater last night at quacker steak and lube…not sure who took the pics…but they came out kinda crappy…but oh well…

afterwords…the cruise and after the cruise was AMAZING. random races on some long ass bridge over at st.pete… it is quite the scene over here.

looks like cell phone pics. nice cars tho

damn, they took you right in.


awwww skunks car found a mate. they will poop out little yellow bmw babies.

so many M cars in one place, nice group.

cool fool. like the name of the place :tup:

Looks like ya took a pic off the T.V. , I like the red M3

skunky poo found friends yeah! lol

uhhh… :drool: looks like you’re having fun.

e30 m3 with e34 m5 wheels is hottt


old M3s are teh hawt. i like that silver z3 shot… that pic rules.

I’ve always hated you and still do!!!

j/k :kiss:

That is one HELL of a collection there though. If I ever saw something like that here… I’d probably shit a brick.

e30 m3… :drool:

awwww skunk! it didnt take you long to find friends.

and hawwwwt cars. mmmm

Little do they know :mamoru:

What this board knows


you move to FL and still look bad :wink: jk man, cool ass shit right there.

i heart teh quaker state…prolley one of my top 5 fav resturants

lol @ some of the comments.

yea it was nice to come down and already know some people…:slight_smile: