Smart girl that Britney

Don’t know if it is true but she should do it immediately!

Britney Spears To Leak Sex Tape
(bum) - Britney Spears may be releasing a home-made video.

According to the Daily Star, singer Britney Spears may leak a sex tape onto the internet. The video shows Spears having sex with her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, and was filmed during their honeymoon.

David Hans Schmidt, a well-known pornography broker, has already offered 100 million American dollars for a digital copy. The Toxic singer is thinking of releasing the 45-minute tape herself, and cutting her husband’s chances of collecting the payment.

Nyla Price, a friend of Britney’s, explained, “Brit figures she’ll beat that sucker to the punch. Half of nothing is nothing, and that’s what her lying of a husband will get if she gives that video away before he can find some sleazeball to buy it.”

if i was her, i’d just sell it. who cares, might as well make some $$$ from it. $ 50 million ??? 100 million ??? hell even $ 500 - done.

Doesnt matter he will still take like half of that, prenup or not…they still have a kid, he has to maintain a way of life for him…so sad really

But if she sells it, she should add some other film clips that Kevin wouldn’t have released :slight_smile: The good stuff.

Leak it for free just to screw Federline. Not like she needs the money or could have seen this coming when she made the tape if she had half a brain.

sell the shit make some more money , stupid woman

he still getting money off her anyways , so it really doesnt matter

i call bullshit

her leaking this information would just ensure that he manages to sell it first … unless she absolutly knows for sure that the only copy is the one thats currently lock away someplace he cant get it

but if thats the case, theres no reason to release it b4 him, cause he doesnt have a copy anyways …

Why doesnt she just destroy the tape? If she has the only copy or w/e then fuckin a, why make herself out to be more of a slut and just burn it.

Because everyone everyone already knows she’s a toxic slut. :shrug:

true, true.

G Dub looks like hes been tanning in that pic lol. notice the white circles around his eyes…or maby its a side effect of coke :gotme:.

:lol: smart man