Smartest thief EVAR!!

I’m sure he’ll play the race card in this case

:bigclap: +karma hahahhaha.

i didn’t open the link yet and was reading the posts first so thanks for ruining the surprise damnit lol

edit: why the hell are you reading year old news?

This should have given it away lol

no1 said it

he’s black

sorry had to get that out there (no racist)

Fuller was released after posting $3,750 bail to ensure his court appearance.

Ummm, could you make me a check made out to cash for $3,750,000 to help bail me out.

Lets see,
groceries $120
gas $60
cable $50
record store $360
utilities $100
<yells upstairs>Honey, did you buy anything and forget to write it in the checkbook? We seem to be short $356,999,999,940