Smartest thief EVAR!!

Charles Ray Fuller - A 21-year old Texas man named Charles Ray Fuller, seen in mugshot picture below, tried to cash a $360 billion dollar check by adding 9 zeroes to a personal check stolen from his girlfriend’s mother.

So, just scrolling past the picture in the article gave me the notion that your thread title was sarcastic lol.




the nerve of those bank assholes. They wouldn’t even cash his check without consulting the account owner?

Even if she had the max $100k insured by FDIC normally, a $359,999,900,000 overdraft would be the type of thing they called me for at the general ledger level.


The amount of fail there baffles me.

  1. That he thought this would work.
  2. That he thought they wouldn’t verify the account.
  3. That he thought a bank would actually have 360 billion dollars.
  4. That he thought he could actually transport 360 billion in cash. You’d need a dump truck just to move it.

Well now you know…If you want to start a record business it costs 360 billion dollars.

They should have that cash no problem…

He’ll probably sue them now for not cashing the check and win.


Need I say more?

At the end of last quarter our bank had 8 billion in cash on hand.

That’s nationwide. Every branch and vault combined. :lol:
He had no chance.



We are obviously not talking about the Oceans 11 crew here…

pfft, go big or go home!

It’s awesome that you know that :naughty:

and… i want 360billion dollars