Smilies not moving??

My comp has been weird lately. i know its not a virus or anything i think its just a setting because i currently reformatted.

the smilies on here dont move (i.e. the puking one or any others) and sometimes when i go to a post on other boards there are pics that show up for everyone else but not me.

anyone know how to fix this?

call shalerpunk - he is the resident computer wiz. :D:D:D:D:D

j/k shaler

sometimes mine move and other times they don’t - I have no idea why.
they are moving for me right now though

open end transport to the interweb allows your pc to play gifs from the interweb, download the smileys in gif format and they will always move locally. if you hit the ‘X’ before the page can load then you are stopping the html transport, thus stopping gifs if they weren’t locally cached.

so if you have some sort of adaware popup blocker or anything that will kill internet transport this is the reason why.

english plz?? wtf is end transport

translation - do you have pop up software enabled?

it’s probably an ad bug that is killing your current transport to the internet site you are viewing (pittspeed) and trying to launch an ad program / site… so something (whether bug or ad-blocking software) is stopping transmission from teh pittspeed server.

happens to me once in a while… run some scans and kill needless processes… you’ll be golden

i have zone alarm which has a built in pop up blocker and i havent got a pop-up in like 4 months (be4 i reformatted and since i re-downloaded it)

maybe thats it?

put an allow rule for pittspeed. :cool:

if i could find where i would…looking

hey man… i’ll remote into your machine and do it for you…

… for the going consultant rate… $145 /hr i think?