smokinsssssssss has a bromance

you sure love creepin on fb lol

it came up on my homepage . i didnt look for it lolol


such a bromance !

I was so drunk last night.

No bromance

Just thoughts inside your head on the consequences…

Wut waz you sippin’ on son?

I drank half a bottle of vodka/sprite before I even left

then had 4 red bull and vodka’s and two shots

one of my lighter drinking nights, but still alot to make dumb ass pictures!

who’s the dude with aids on the right

better wrap it up smokin



Yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh muhhhfukkkahhh!!!
Got dat purp sizurp in mah cup!

my buddy zak…

that “dude with aids” would knock you right out of your shoes. He was a boxer for years and a bad ass back yard fighter. I have watched him knock dudes down 3 times his size.

looks like a fighter from this angle… no joke

I thought it was laduke :rofl

ahahaha that dude should setup to fight joeyK20 and that kid with the blonde hair his name is justin i think and then he should rock and roll with duke la duke if hes still standin ! shit would be insaneeeee

Im a front yard fighter. Lets set this up.

lol im not getting into this shit. This thread is retarted.

I actually really do have aids

How come you didn’t tell me last night?

Wanted to spread the wealth