Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

your so fast to throw down money to want to race me, who you know you will beat but why dont you throw down money to someone else with a car of the same caliber as you??

Im sure Tony would like to play with 5g’s. Yes, im bringing him and his car up because its in your league. Trying to race me for money is like kicking a blind retard while he’s down. Step up to the plate and put a bet on someone who will actually give you a run.

O shit. Tony did try to race you on that cruise in his Z06 and you wouldnt race. If I recall, you were in the slow lane the whole way because you didnt want to smash your big internet, shift ego with having this High HP car that doesnt DO SHIT.