Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

Plus fucking reppp



And yes, my cock has a curve in it. I love it and so don’t the ladies. One once said ‘I LOVE how the curve of your cock feels in my ass’.


and answer me chodebath. what times/traps did you do at 21?

As this was to get a rise out of you, not saying your cars not fast but you do a lot of talking to never have run the car

what was his name?

he goes by Bacne Boy

12.5@116. That’s ahead of SS when he was 21, right? I’m worried.


ooo000oo000 thats entirely unattainable :lol i’ll see what i can do.

your so fast to throw down money to want to race me, who you know you will beat but why dont you throw down money to someone else with a car of the same caliber as you??

Im sure Tony would like to play with 5g’s. Yes, im bringing him and his car up because its in your league. Trying to race me for money is like kicking a blind retard while he’s down. Step up to the plate and put a bet on someone who will actually give you a run.

O shit. Tony did try to race you on that cruise in his Z06 and you wouldnt race. If I recall, you were in the slow lane the whole way because you didnt want to smash your big internet, shift ego with having this High HP car that doesnt DO SHIT.

Bench racing another person’s car? That’s gay even for someone like you.

Money does make the world go around BUT it should never have an effect on who you are, Thats what I meant when I said “money means jack shit”. I will not argue I do not have jacks shit.

+1 5gs shit is redic, that’s what people do when they really don’t wanna run

rofl at you referring to yourself indirectly as “a blind retard”.


If you don’t think money effects people, then you have some problems.

Go ask the bumbs in Harlem if they think the lack of money is fucking up their life. Then, drive 2 miles down the road from me and check out the Lambo and ask him.

Curious what responses you’d get. :lol

i think most people felt that you were joking but others didnt, i guess its just how you look at it, obviously drew is going to take it the wrong way


double facepalm back at you for being too fucking dumb to comprehend that.

:facepalm :facepalm

I don’t have the 5gs but check it out it’s like this, if I loose winner takes my car, but if I win I take the cash and I take the respect. To some people that’s more important…