Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

youre a fucking idiot you really think i didnt understand that?? i facepalmed you because it was a decent comparison on drew’s part and you took it out of context


I left it on three times because once we were in traffic most of the time, we’d get out of traffic for like, 10 seconds, then back in, and i like to keep it on so I don’t forget to put it back on because quite frankly, I’m scared of the car which is why I only beat on it in a straight line… I just forget to take it off at times. If it’s “yes” you wanna hear, then sure, yes, he beat me. You make it seem like I give a shit about racing Delucia. I like him, and his car. His car is fast as fuck, no doubt. I don’t know if he’s changed anything on his car or not, but I’d be fine with giving him another FRIENDLY run any time. I just got the boost/meth leak fixed on the car (fucking rubber f-hose) so it’s running better than ever. If he wants to race me, no big deal. I don’t care if I win or lose to anyone. It’s all in good fun with me. I may bust people’s balls, and I take a good ball busting as well. It’s why we all do what we do, to just have fun. There’s always going to be someone faster, and after the winter, I’ll have a car that’s faster than my 911 as well, putting out around 50-60% more whp than it.

Tony beat me, but I don’t like how he and Drew(who wasn’t even there) say I got ‘stomped’ or ‘murdered.’ When I get back home (Saturday) I’ll post up any and all videos of any and all runs if it make you feel better.

You people (and yes, meant that in the most derogatory sense imaginable lol) take things way too seriously. It’s a car forum, we’re all just trying to have some fun.

travis used to race there when he was in high school

no JACKASS… i knew exactly what drew meant… you took my comment literally… i was making a funny… SHAWN picked up on it. you apparently missed the subtlety.

i completely understood it, i caught the subtlety, thought it was too much of a stretch and opted to facepalm you for it.

im ready to race everyone fuckit

Every day for the last three weeks you’ve been coming in here and you’ve been asking me how the tuna is. Now, it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what? It hasn’t changed.

hardly a stretch and you lack any and all sense of humor. your facepalm privledges should be revoked.

Oh no he didnt:ahh

but kramer likes it when thingns smack him in the face

nope cant race anyone unless you have 5g’s to bet.

my buick will stomp that thing out.


you’re telling that to me of all people? :rofl :rofl :rofl

need i post all the funnayz (or attempted funnayz in some people’s eyes :lol) that ive made on this site in the past week alone? :lmao :lmao

laughing AT you and laughing WITH you are 2 totally different things.:haha

I laugh with him normally

it wont catch fire… you’re not driving it :wink:

Hey check it out it’s like this, I don’t really give a shit and I’ve got more important things to worry about like collecting my 2200 dollar paychecks each week and keeping the 400K house that I rent clean. But getting a rise out of SSSSsuckinSmoke-priceless!

HAHAHAHAHA oh the irony.

#1 you tell me (of all people) that i have no sense of humor
#2 you (of all people) tell me that people are laughing at me

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl