Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

OMG ballin

you lack originality.

smokin when we racin ???

i have absolutely nothing to gain from arguing with you so im just going to let you tell yourself you won this one.

right after your mom leaves.

admission is the first step to recovery.


im sure ur gf doesnt like having another woman in the bed…

ha ,i wondered why the your ol lady was here wantin to suck my dick sayin my car got her wetter :lol

besides ,you saw my mom she is ugly


one could only wish’


what ,my momma is

You just don’t get it do you?

i still havent seen your mullet ride since the heart transplant… whats the hold up fucker?

apparently you dont either???

i think i was one of the first people to hear the bitch run…

you were

so lets go for a lil cruise son. we can go wake drew up for a midnight 150mph bomb yo!

Nah, I sleep well knowing that I’ve moved on to more important stuff than street racing. I have a chuckle before I close my eyes knowing that you are probably out in the garage with your car on jackstands practicing your squirrel shifts:haha