Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

PJB need slicks and a 5K rpm launch w/ some powershifting…

The DR’s will have to do.
I dont know about the launch because he doesnt think the line lock will be done this weekend. I suppose I could powershift but dont know how long the stock t5 will last doing that

You dont need linelock to launch the car, or to do a burnout. Use that big ass foot of yours lol.

shift now worry later…and maybe after breakin 3 trannys youll change your mind

The only thing I can seem to burnout is the clutch

I cant afford to fix/replace one at this point

I shall teach you the way of the nasty 2nd gear burnout my son :lol

I tried second gear doing it last year and failed. I got the clutch nice and hot though.

do NOT listen to him on how to shift! This fucker doesnt know what a clutch is used for!!!

why only 2nd?

:rofl Ill get him some nice times tho!! Ok ok, Ill tap the clutch a bit… lol

You sick mother fucker :lmao

because this is what 3rd gear does


so much win in this thread

Haha I was gonna post that up myself

Mike, I need to see the new whip still!! Looks great

If you can read, you can see I blatantly said he beat me. I never said if I did or did not recall. Thanks for playing though.




:lol I cant believe it wasnt posted yet!!

I gave you pos rep on Shift AND RL, son!!!

Ok, bedtime. Have fun boys/girls.