Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

here you say you don’t recall getting beat by one

:rofl Word :thumbup

so now we’ve got Det. Mikefromsynapse, Det. PJB, Sgt. Shorts and SARGENT TROOPER on the shift518 PD

Can we change "Det. PJB"s name to “Colonel Big Pants”

I said I don’t recall in that post due to Delucia and I not getting a full, clean run in. If you count my mishaps, then yes, he beat me fair and square.

Bedtime though. PM me if you have any further questions.

Plz dont mention SRGT Trooper, he is an upstanding citizen, and a competent and useful tool in aiding our fight against crime in america.

Hes also related to Chuck Norris, so he may come to your house and give you the round house kick of justice

why is this? i like “detective paul”

Sargent Trooper is related to racefaggotasshatchesandfuckmysister, so I find it hard to believe he helps do anything.

idk, ask Pete, he said pjb wears big pants

THIS is the only roundhouse kick that I’m afraid of.

Touchee Deputy Krammer

That was the biggest waste of :06 seconds ever :rofl


i dunno i like detective paul for all the amazing discoveries he makes on here

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:roflhahahaha I saw this on another site this is a good one

Sargent Trooper is good shit dude. No joke, real nice guy.

alright, so when do i get my Dig with ssmokinnn, i gave him his roll?? years almost over.

and ill be on slicks.

WTF? Why is Pete checking out my pants?

maybe he was wondering what style they were? maybe he wants to buy the same pair

tell me about it.

after my gear installed in a few weeks.