Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

i wanna race :frowning:

This +rep

And THIS. +rep

I feel dumber after reading this thread.

We have some decent cars on here and all you guys do is rag on eachother, christ doesn’t it ever get old?

MFers need to start acting like you aren’t 16 in high school and someone wrote a dirty word on your facegay mybook wall. :wtf

Wayne if you still have the cobra next year and its not running 10’s well race


oh jesus christ shady. save yourself the diff, and just give me $50.


Wayne your to much broski…

New diff and mount will stay just fine…

Now all I need to worry about is the starter fallin out… but hey you can still pop start it so im good to go! :rofl

ROFL I actually LOLd at my desk while writing my own post. LOL. :rofl:rofl

Dude I had one of those awkward… I was smirking really big as I read it… and my body let out this little squeak as im about to laugh and james the guy next to me looked at me like :wtf

i don’t bother with those anymore. i prefer to all out LOL at my desk. Lets people know i’m still here, and that i run this floor.:thumbup

:rofl :rofl

Speaking of which steve

Either I will bring them or yu can come pick them up

but I still has your wheeellzzz

Im in no rush, if you want them you can haz them.

Lol fine ill just keep them in my garage for now then.,.

Ill rock em at next years drift eventss


FU Bakerian, thinking you know what’s up on this shit. This is Shift518 son, don’t you forget it, cuz.

Dont make me ban you.

I’d like to see you try. If you did, I’ll send countless e-mails to Vlad and Singh, begging them to un-ban me.

:rofl :rofl

and shadddyyyyyy, what diff did/do you have in there? and didnt the halfshafts break?


Like 5 pages added to this- what did I miss!?!

you missed a lot of sniffeling and bickering. Picture 6th grade, but everyone has a cold.

Sixth grade? Some of the posters have made it that far?

Isn’t that like higher education…?
