Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.


well, you brought his mom up in your sig.

treat others the way u wanna be treated man. stop getting so heated for nothing. its almost too funny:excited


and SSSeriously SSSmokin’

Why SSoo SSSerious??? it’s the fuckin internet

Oh my god hes ethugin hard

Last I heard of you… you were big into a drug called Jenkem, this is probably true right?

im brewin up a fresh batch of jenkems right now :lol


bringing it to your dr seuss pad tonight

:rofl at dr seuss

were into the high class drugs where I live, a.k.a. crack cocaine

high class huh?> i prefer Meth myself

finally it fits somewhere. that cat is awesome.

I don’t think you have any room to make fun, he’s moving into his 2nd place on his own…you’re still a bum at your mom’s trailer


id run tommorow but the crank split in the marro tonight

WTF?!?!? Man your luck with that thing is not good!

damn soN called out on four figures and you’re leave town!?


(i’d do the same thing since my ride, wallet, coin box + half eaten pizza in front of me barely crack four digits…)

nah its good :lol, i have a wedding tommorow that i cant get out of .i am goin the 24th for the vintage races though seein as my car is over 15 yrs old i can run it .im hookin bottle back up this weekend and doin some heavy jettin as the jets came in today :thumbup

i moved to connecticut in 2004/2005… moved back home afterwards. how little do ye know.

Your dirty

your dirty what?