just the response i would expect. you bring up my mom, i bring up your GF aint life grand:lol
wow this shit is amazing. fuckin kids
word and the guy in your sig, does just that(in bold)
im just tryin not to get beat up right now
Shit I knew he liked them young but I didnt realize it was that young.
wow reading this thread was alot like read iracetofukmysister thread !!!lol
Lots of win in here !!! =(
Makes sense.
My guess, you moved to Ct, payed half your deposit, signed the lease, then dragged the landlord through a year of trial litigation because you figured you didn’t owe him rent for the year since it wasn’t your fault you got fired and or injured and or quit. Once the trial was over and the landlord obv. won you got booted back to NY. If I am wrong, it is still a good guess…
hahaha. nope. moved in with friends living there… i was not on the lease… one of the guys there left and the rest of us could not afford the 2200/month rent on the house. we moved into the interlaken inn just outside lakeville CT. i was not pleased with the work situation or pay and after a couple months i left to come back to ny and got a job as a assistant manager at new country chrysler/jeep… new country chrysler jeep franchise was sold to dodgeworld and they fired 2 service writers and the service manager at the pontiac buick gmc store and the chrysler manager and myself went there and took over with the same titles. the service manager then left and i was in charge of the service department by myself alone with authority over parts dept as well. (15 people in total)… so by all means… please continue to criticize my work ethic or job history. go work 65 hours 6 days a week 7am til 8pm some days for 4 months without a break because theres NOONE there to relieve you. easy for you to criticize when you havent walked a FUCKING INCH in my shoes let alone a mile.:retardclap
Liessssssssss and bullshit :thumbup
by all means check into it. find one lie in there.
i work 60 -70 hrs a week in 5 days ,then work for kinetic towing fri night and sat day
This version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-gvIeNWAPo&feature=related >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that version
Whatever d00d I just posted the original version :lol
you’re not the meat in the shit sandwich. middle management blows goat cock. u got it made where ur at and at least ur well compensated for it.
if you were my serv writer or anything it wouldnt be a good day for you lololol
hence my point… i had 9 mechanics just like you at pontiac… FML.
i worked from 0700-2200 hours(15hours) 7 days a week for 8 months, does that qualify? i should also mention, temperatures were in the high 90s all the time, and that was ambient, not counting the exhaust constantly blowing on you, the humidty, and the black cloud of death you had to breathe from… just sayin’ :thumbup
Congrats you guys all get a cookie :retardclap