I work 48 hours a week. In a parking garage. Doing what I’m doing right this very moment.
I was working 60+ hours in 4 days for a while at my job a few years ago. In a 5 day work week I was working over 70 hours.
One day I worked over 21 hours.
I dont do that shit anymore.
I work 26 hours a day.
Pffft works for suckers
26 hours in a day? Impressive.
QFT 8 days a week. radioshack ftw
aww cry pjb. i was just giving a rough average. some days i spent over 20 hours up on the flightdeck when we were flying heavy combat ops over afghanistan… welcome to adult hood paul, i know youre a little older than me, but you seem to be stuck in a child mentality oftentimes…
bills = money you owe.
if you have a dumpy job and owe alot of money, you will work more hours at that dumpy job.
i currently work 24-32 hours a week. sometimes ill pull a full 40 if im feeling froggy.
So my question then is this if you were such a great worker. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!
An inch in your shoes would take me back 10 years when I was working p/t at a gas station.
LAUGH!#$% :ahh
any videos yet?
Uploading as we speak to Vimeo. Thanks for the reminder.
4hrs remaining on upload, thanks to Potsdam’s internet connection.
mylanta, 4hours?
What is it like true 1080P or something?
w00t. u racin tony on the video too?
Now it’s saying 45min and over 50% done.
It should be, yes.
This is only me and Tony, nothing against Delucia, as I even told the all-so-powerful Mike none of the runs were good or clean.