Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

411 rwhp seems about on par for a 116mph car that weighs 3800 lbs.

don’t see what the big stink is about.

Good for you Drew. The car makes great power and im sure is fun as hell to drive. My current car has 71whp. Big deal. Keep doing your thing man. People are idiots here…


My car probably wont even put down the numbers Drew’s does. Ill just be happy with 300hp.


thanks guys…

im happy with my numbers and its only better things to come from more mods

who cares what it makes as long as it traps good.

I love it when people with slow cars bring this up. You get picked on because of the way you act on here man. Shut your mouth, know your role and your shift518 experience would be much more enjoyable.

Need a pin to pop some of these inflated egos

take your corvette’s numbers out of your sig… its not good enough

clown’s too pussy to run anything other than 93+meth on low b00st

Whos gives a fuck what kinda power it makes… If I post my 277whp slip is everyone gonna bash me? Cuz Id LOVE to see that. Some of you guys really need to take a step back and stop bein so gay.

I wasnt gonna say shit in this thread, but jesus christ…

Someone just learned something from sociology with professor Polak…

haha… Ive actually been waitin for you to come out of the wood work, your car really only made 277 and runs 11s?

I’ll start: 277WHP is weaksauce.


On motor yup, and it went 11.82.

Bring somethin to the table home boi

Wow that SUCKS. 277 is a joke. Make some real numbers, then post again.

i agree. should be solidly into the 130’s. adam cant drive worth shit.

+1… lets ban adam from shift

Like I said, back up your words or shut it. Alot of talkers on this site with nothing to back it up with…

And Im not mad at ya:hug

Hmm :wierd

PLEASE!! :lol