Smoookkkkkkkkkkkkkinssssssssssssssss avatar... Thread is joke, don't get butt hurt.

and to top it off you do it in real life

I have a sense of humor but I really dont find you retards funny and I know Im not the only one.

Kramer and TDI’s humor are funny to them, and about only them :lol

awesome! let our armies battle it out!

and dont call me a weetowd it hurts my feelings :cry:

thanks paul, everything you say i take with a grain of salt and love to piss you off and it works.

yeah and we might as well through Dave in there too.

Idk, everyone that went to H2Oi had tons of laughs. Pete’s and Kramer’s were a huge contribution to the funniez. Guess that’s why you didn’t go, Debbie Downing with PJB.(other than it being too rich for your blood!:eek:ahh)

:smiley: and here…we…goooo

Well, too bad for the dead animal then.

Drew, this thread was a joke. Busting your stones. Why so serious?

I didn’t know 584whp was a lot less than 599whp in a 400lb heavier car (from the factory). As I said, this thread was just a joke.

Yea, it sure did, by two whole car lengths, if that.

I was joking, calllllm down.


Wasn’t expecting that out of you. Why would you say money has changed me?

Prices have nothing to do with cars when it comes ot power/speed, only build quality.

If nothing ever happened to me, I would’ve gone on and finished college, and who knows from there.

Like I said, this thread was a joke. Not everyone needed to get so serious about it. If someone can’t take a joke and some ball busting, they should go unhook their RJ45 cable from their modem. That is all.

but you do that to everybody and its nowhere near funny. It just makes you seem even more retarded

i feel bad for you that you cant take a joke of any sorts without getting butthurt


My Civic might make 100 wheel…

In person, yeah sometimes its funny, on the website, more often then not…not so much lol. But thats my opinion. As for me not going, I came to my senses and decided to save the money for something else and to get some school work done. Sucks being responsible sometimes lol. It did look like a good time tho

a durr durr durr, what retarted is to have $9,500 dollars worth in debt on a credit card… thats whats retarted you old bag

Atleast Im not a Failvis and I pay my bills on time everytime. Unlike some people I cant go out and buy everything I want with cash from my pocket and Im not a complete penny pincher even though Im cheap with some shit.

He would for me. Maybe he doesn’t like you? :ponder


you can’t take a joke about you but still like to dish out jokes against others. who are you failvis? :lmao

ever notive why slowmarro stopped posting the ostrich thing? it was and still is funny, but i’m willing to bet he thought it got old because it don’t react to it besides laugh like everyone else. that’s not entertaining. you can bet your ass off that if i had a shitty enough sense of humor to get butthurt about that that there would be a shit load more ostrich pics on here.

i laugh at whats funny whether its at me or at someone else. the jokes against you keep on rollin caus your reactions are both pathetic and entertaining. this has been going on for months yet you’re calling me retarded when you haven’t figured out this simple fact…

I was in NJ all morning/afternoon then I was out doing something. Shift does not = life.

No, I was trying to put stuff into the back of your truck.

pete’s evo is nicer than both your cars :lmao let alone his golf which is sweet too. penny pinching pays off i guess?