SMR burnout

I’m taking my motorcycle off the road tomorrow since I won’t be riding it for a while. Beforehand I felt the need to do some burnouts since my rear tire still had some tread left on it.

Shortly after I rode the thing through my kitchen and then down the stairs into the basement where it will be stripped down, cleaned, and prepped before hitting the asphalt again in the spring. :excited

aint workin yet

Give it a few minutes for the tewb to process it, newb.


Lock 1

Like watching paint dry, boring as hell.

lock 2

I bet your girlfriend says the same thing about you.

Good one clown

just saw it on failbook, it sucks

lock 1

What did your parents have to say about that? :lmao

Lock 2 :lol


My mom got mad because she had her sunroof open and her Toyota Camry now has a light scorched rubber scent to it… haha.

haha you got nothing better to do with your time?!

I was done with class for the day and had the day off from work, so not really.

hahah you need a girl or a suscription to vagtastic voyage or something haha jk

nahhhhh perfect 10>vagtastic voyage

All women do is cause problems.

haah " idk have you ever seen a vagina by itself… eh not my thing"

Lol parents gotta love the marks outta the garage

I did a bunch of rolling burnouts too but I didn’t have anyone to tape those for me. :frowning: