Today was such a nice day I decided to clean my garage. A little sweep sweep here sweep sweep there when all of a sudden i found myself face to face with this rather large snake. With out hesitation i grabbed my phone to snap a picture. This snake was HUGE. I became scared for my life. This snake could kill me with a single bite. A few more seconds went by and I had enough. I ran out of there screaming like a little girl…BUT i was safe

“the beast”

“crikey shes a big one”

Numie Num

i feared my life don. this thing looks like it would bite

thats not a vband clamp foo. learn yo clamps.

slow flow nice :tup:

i have vbands going on it. still waiting for the the middle section to come in with the new clamps and these 2 bolts are being taken off

i meant to say should not slow…lol mybad

looks small, whats it going on a geo metro?

Quick kill it with a sledgehammer!

Same thing happened to me the other day. Turned out I forgot to zip up…

middle section isnt in yet

who makes that? it looks like 3" piping, no? are you still open dump?

I bet it fits my motorcycle.

I know its bigger than 3 like 3.5 or 4

ya dude…im in the middle of decideing how big to go…and what i want to do with the exhaust. my catback is just ungodly restrictive…but i dont have alot of money to go crazy…im debating

go 4 inch like chuck. :slight_smile:

its 4

4" is too much a pain in the balls to go over the axle… i dont feel like dealing with that BS…although it would work very nicely.

my exhaust is 4inch, thats just the rear section. the middle section is on the way still and the down pipe is 4inch as well and off to the side

does it still exit out the front bumper or did you go closed?

no it hasnt dumped out my bumper for over a year now