Snakes on a... car?

Almost forgot about this gem… Shortly after the big october storm, this guy “snake”, his buddy “firefly” in a neon roll up to our apartment parking lot. It appears that there is a problem with the battery in Snake’s car. The two discuss it for a while, then firefly leaves for help.

Check out the sweetass snake heads covering the car. There appears to be cables running to them, at leaast to the mirror mounted snakes… Heavy battery drain? Probably!

So snake waits patiently until firefly returns… with what may be the worlds loudest, shittiest RV on close his heels.

The RV idles in the parking lot for nearly 30 minutes… filling my house with pollution: both NOx and Noise. Clearly, snake is not the mastermind behind his car, because there seems to be some trouble understanding how to jumpstart the car… Anyone tech savy enough to outfit their car with illuminated snake heads, could jump start a car in his sleep. Eventually, they manage to finish, and all cars scatter to the winds…



God’s Gift to Recreational Vehicles:

Let’s zoom in a bit here. Check out that sweet headlint tint job. The key to getting the custom “wrinkled look” is to work as much air towards the center of the light. Also, having a blind man apply it in the dark using only his feet helps as well:

that made me LOL

i’d like to add that my favorite item is the snake that is incorporated into the green tinted sidemarker. OMG, it’s slithering right through it!

lol too funny

snake will fucking cut you for talking shit about his whip

but that firefly kid is just a fucking pussy

Some people…

Aw shit, I didnt know you guys lived there when we pulled in, I would have asked you for help. Please dont make fun of my Regal. Its the shit.

thats not for real is it?

snakes in the… regal? not the movie theater, the car? wtf??

UNREAL. this guy should drive off a cliff.

Are you serious?

i just thought of something:

aern’t those GI joe code names

I wonder if its a joke or if he’s really into the look :lol:

Thanks Newman, i almost forgot about these pictures. You’ve brought joy to my day.

This made my day, that is truely the new hotness. :slight_smile:

There was too much time and dedication into that to be a joke.

P.S. I know snakes are supposed to be intimidating but those look like a little kid drew them.

I find it amazing that it happened in newman’s driveway of all people.

i know, right? i didn’t actually spot it. I was in my room, probably sulking over the the loss of the interweb… or painting something “gayly” on my wall. Eviljay yelled for me to come quick… the rest is history.



i love the snake madellian on the hood that takes the cake for me.